Cedar Hill is a community shaped by those who serve. Learn how you can make a difference in your community by volunteering to serve on a City Board or Commission.
In November voters will be asked to consider extending the Crime Control & Prevention District and authorizing general obligation bonds for streets, library, and parks improvements. Learn more at cedarhilltx.com/bond
In November voters will be asked to consider extending the Cedar Hill Crime Control and District for 15 years. Learn more at cedarhilltx.com/bond
In November voters will be asked to authorize $15 million for parks improvements. Learn more at cedarhilltx.com/bond
In November voters will be asked to authorize $10 million for streets and drainage improvements. Learn more at cedarhilltx.com/bond
In November voters will be asked to authorize $20 million for a new public library. Learn more at cedarhilltx.com/bond
What is Family Place?
Boards and Commissions are volunteer servant leaders who provide vision and leadership to various aspects of our community life. Their leadership stewards Cedar Hill as it continues to grow as the Premier City we are destined to become.
Cedar Hill has a strong and diverse economy. In this episode, we visit with local businesses and learn why they fell in love with Cedar Hill.